I find it hilarious that even adults talk about time in terms of "sleeps". It is almost as if we revert to times of our childhood, or even letting the inner child come forth. This is even more so when it comes to the Christmas Season. We now all have only one more sleep until good old Saint Nicholas makes his way to bring joy and presents to us over this night. It's getting late here (9.39pm) and I'm busy importing some of my CD's into my iTunes. Batteries are charged and ready for the next day and all I can think is that Lara deserves her Christmas wish... not to go into labour tomorrow, no matter how much my brother would like a Christmas baby. I figure she's had to lug the thing about for about 9 months then it's her wishes that carry the weight.
Here comes a shock to most of you... my room is 3/4 complete! I still have some of my school work to file and about 10-20 books to find a home for but I am actually sitting here at my desk typing this up. I still want to move my bed, whereby I'll probably find things that I'd thought I'd lost, but hey at least I'll be able to change my sheets properly etc. Anne has kindly offered to adjust some of my fitted sheets so that they'll actually fit my bed. For those of you that are unaware of my lovely antique bed, it is a king single in size, except that its as long as a double bed.... and since the idiotic manufacturers have not seen the need to even make fitted king singles I'm a bit screwed in the sheet department. I've been making do with double bed fitted sheets but they are, sorry for this folks, giving me the SHEETS! Come along the fabulous Anne and voila, perfectly fitted sheets for my bed.
I suppose I should consider going to bed. I've just taken a little break... from this, to wash the floors in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen... all ready for it to get dirty again tomorrow. Can't complain though since I spent most of the day out and about doing things, chauffeuring people and got home to find mum & dad had gotten everything ready for tomorrow as well as the lovely crayfish dinner tonight! I love my parents, they can be a pain in the butt at times but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world... ANYTHING.
Hugs and a Merry Xmas to all.
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