Over the past few weeks I've been watching the new BBC Tv series called Merlin. It really has reminded me of my enjoyment with the fantasy genre, and not just in novels but also film, pictures etc. As usual the Brits have done themselves proud. It's the story of a young man who is to fulfill a great prophecy but can only do so with one other. Arthur is not King at this time, he is the crown prince who is a bit of an arrogant prat. But as the series progresses we come to admire him and his difficult position within Uther Pendragon's Camelot. I wholly urge all my friends to give it a try. This series has prodded me to get my butt into gear (and what a butt it is!) and attempt to read Le Mort d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Mallory. It's not something that I would have normally picked up as a rendition of the Arthurian Legend, I mean T.H. White's Once and Future King is much more to my liking, however it is not on my required reading list for history next year and Sir Thomas' book is.
After I've read that I think that I will get into Christopher Paolini's last book Brisingr since I still haven't read it. Funnily enough I'm in a little slump when it comes to reading. I haven't got much enthusiasm for any of my books, even the new ones that I've just purchased. I think that it has to do with the tiredness this season seems to bring out in people. You rush everywhere and get nowhere except more tired. with that note, I have a friend popping in for Christmas drinks & nibbles shortly so I must go and get some things organised. I've written quite a bit on my story and will post another chapter either tonight or tomorrow.
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