The Christmas Season is well into swing here Downunder. The Christmas tree is up and beautifully decorated in this year's theme colours (Blue, White & Silver); I have just now started the baking with the almond bread and pistachio/cranberry bread cooling and the gingerbread in the fridge settling. Christmas songs are blaring from the iPod and all seems to be on track for another great season of fun & festivities....where is the SNOW?? Dean Martin singing Winter Wonderland makes me think that not too far in the future we'll be the one's to experience the cozy, warm fuzzies that snow at Christmas bring (cynical side of me says the coziness is probably due to huddling around an open fire). Summer has not shown its face, even though the 1st of December has come and gone. In fact the weather is far more likened to that of Spring, so eventually with the season shifting we may very well be singing 'Let It Snow' with great gusto as the fluffy, cold, white stuff makes its appearance and blankets the ground.
As you can see (unless you're blind and then..oops, sorry!), I've inserted here a clever little poem from another ratbag whom I dearly love. At this time of the year, well anytime really, I think of the brilliance that was Bill Waterson and his characters 'Calvin & Hobbes'. So enjoy your Christmas, and blow a raspberry at any and all who dare to tell you that it is only for children. Remember - 'It's all about me'
Safe silly season, big hugs and to all the other nuts out there - be careful as they may try to stick you in the next fruitcake.
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