Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sing In The New Year

Last night saw the end of yet another year and the beginning of a new one to which there are many of us that wished for many new or better things.  It's really rather depressing to try & sum up a year that has passed by.  I don't know of anyone that can give a detailed description of their year.  Many of us are able to give the synopsis of our past year but how many of us can actually say what they were doing at any particular point of the year?  I mean sure, we can all state the time that we took a holiday, received exam results, had birthdays, births, deaths etc.  but that in itself isn't the entire year.  Most of us I'm relatively sure would state that there was work... or school... or just the average day to day happenings with interspersed particular moments.

Thinking over 2008 it is likened I believe to catching up with people you have not seen in quite a while.  The dreaded question of "what have you been doing?" often finds me stumped to the point that I feel my life is not overly exciting.  I mean come on, work, school and um...  That's about it really... sort of sad, especially when I know damn well that I've been busy and my life is more exciting than that!!  But when put on the spot I often cannot think of anything past the mundane.  Take the calling in of the New Year (2009).  Did I go out?  Nope.  Did I watch the fireworks on TV? Hell no!  In fact, the New Year wasn't even acknowledge when it ticked over as I was thoroughly entrenched in the '80's watching The Breakfast Club.  My New Year consisted of a few sms's well before midnight; eating very little except chocolate; watching dvd's and basically nodding off to sleep at about 2am.  Very anti-social but very enjoyable.

I have been contemplating how to spend the 1st January and have the whole 'I can't be bothered' attitude.  I would still be in my pj's if it were not for my father needing some things from my place of work & thus needing me to receive the discount.  Whilst he's now working hard outside, my mother is taking down Christmas decorations and I am listening to Secondhand Serenade and posting on my Blog.... contemplating either watching the 2nd disc of Blackpool or beginning 3rd Rock From The Sun... maybe even re-watching The West Wing for the umpteenth time!!

Have a great New Year everyone, and I'll let you all do the singing as if I joined in you'd want to be drunk enough to think I can actually carry a tune!!!

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