Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Finds...

I really enjoy when I experience what I consider a new find.  These moments then ensure that for a while my enjoyment is flooded as I must then collect everything that the newly found author or group or show has done so that my rampant need for that high is maintained.  In 2008 I "found" an author that struck that chord.  Her name is Nalini Singh and funnily enough my mum had a couple of her books sitting in her book case and I was bored so thought that I'd give her a go.  Well, let's just say that I then HAD to have the rest of her books and within the matter of a week I had read all of them that were available in that series. 

Another find for me is a little known group called Secondhand Serenade.  Their music is really quite lovely... alas they only have one album out but I do encourage you all to have a listen.  My new 'must see' TV shows found in 2008 were Merlin, a BBC production I have already mentioned in an earlier Blog and Sex and the City... I know an oldie, but to be quite honest I only bothered with the show if I happened to catch it whilst flicking channels.  This year, not only did I watch the entire series on dvd, I bought it then proceeded to see the movie & buy that too!  Not all of it is fantastic but my goodness ladies ***whoo hoo***, if you have not watched it before then please do so.  It is a very interesting adventure within the chick lit genre.

So, anyway, they are just a few little tidbits...there were of course many other authors, singers etc but I'd love to have some of your comments on what impacted you in 2008 and consider a "find".

1 comment:

Ligeress said...

As far as tv series it would have to be Dexter. And for music definitely a few of the Wizard Rock bands that are out there. Seriously search for the Parselmouths, The Remus Lupins and Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls on itunes.